It’s nice to meet you, I’m Lindsay Chapman

Let me tell you a little about my practice

I give artistically-crafted massages that are both therapeutic and relaxing. In 2011, I graduated from Ralston School of Massage Therapy in Reno, NV, and had the great privilege of being tutored by a couple of friends who were instructors at massage schools during my training. At the time, I was teaching multiple yoga and HoopDance classes at numerous facilities, including teaching yoga for credit at TMCC, a community college in Reno. 

I saw the parallel between bodywork and yoga, and to this day include breathwork and stretching in my massage sessions. Using insights from Thai Massage trainings in Nevada City, CA, early on in my massage career gave me further confidence to blend the two. In 2016, I moved to Portland where I trained in Ashiatsu massage and fell in love! My entrepreneur mindset has pushed me to opening brand new doors and recently launched my new massage business, Sacred Touch. 

Come see what it’s all about!

Welcome to my story

In the beginning

My journey into the healing arts started nearly two decades ago in 2004. As a Reno native in my early 20s, I trained with local companies in modern dance and quickly found that movement had a profound effect on calming my nervous system. My clinical depression and anxiety were soothed. Seeking out different ways to move my body, I found this thing called yoga.

Immediately I knew I wanted to be a yoga instructor, so I focused all of my attention there and paused my college education -- this had always felt like an inauthentic path for me. Being naturally inquisitive and wanting to do something with my life, I pursued training until I got a position teaching yoga at TMCC, a community college in Reno. In the five years I was there, I truly felt I made a direct impact on students who were mirrored versions of my younger self. Many of them also struggled with school and mental health. It felt like a full circle to be offering the words of wisdom I needed to hear back then and to guide my students in meditation and breathing techniques. 

A life-altering experience

Along the way, I discovered fire dancing and the hula hoop at Burning Man. Taking this new-found love for the hoop back home with me, I built my company Hoopstriss while honing in on the skills. Soon enough, I was able to both perform professionally and teach others as a HoopDance-certified instructor. 

My life took a significant turn at Burning Man in 2010. While there, I sprained my ankle and was escorted to first aid by someone I soon learned was a massage therapist. As they were wrapping my ankle, they kindly palpated my bones and tendons while naming them. Almost immediately after that experience, I signed up for massage school, thinking I would walk away with a solid anatomy training to further help my students. 

Selling hoops helped me attend the renowned Ralston School of Massage Therapy in Reno and I quickly realized that maybe there was something there for me. Touch had always been difficult and convoluted. I recall hugging others with fists closed because that flow of giving and receiving was at once a pain point in my experience, as though there was some mysterious trauma attached to that act. Getting to offer a healing touch has been transformational and has led me to wanting to further my ability to help the whole person in front of me. 

Portland’s calling card

In 2016, I moved to Portland on a strong intuitive hunch without knowing a soul. I left my businesses behind and was soon hired on at the prestigious Mudra Massage, where I started using my feet as part of massage. It is here that my experience in yoga and dance converged in a way I never thought massage could allow -- through Ashiatsu massage.

That very next year, I became a certified health coach through the Health Coach Institute. This certification helped launched my next business in 2020, The Luminary Coach. During that time, I was also enrolled in a year long graduate program to be able to deliver the Transformational Coaching Method (TCM) and spiral clients deeper in changework on the level of belief and identity. 

I needed a break from the neuronal rewiring, so I took an interest in learning about psychic tools as a way to engage in a daily creative meditation. I enrolled in the Portland Psychic School (now the Art of the Seer Academy) in 2021. Their Art of the Seer year-long training allows students to be professional Clairvoyant readers upon graduation. Loving this new style of engagement with the sixth chakra, I signed up for their graduate training, The Art of the Dreamer, which involved Astral traveling, vivid dream recall, and other nuanced skills in discerning energy. I completed that program at the end of 2022 and am now turning more towards my growing interest in doing Astrological readings professionally. I’ve been giving natal chart readings in conjunction with coaching since 2017, but am now offering readings as a separate experience. 

This August, I intend to enroll in the four-year professional Astrology program through Astrology University to capitalize on the art of analyzing charts in a way that is empowering and illuminating.

The here, now & future

Having a visionary mindset has allowed me to realize that the best professional change involves being my own boss once again, and in February 2023 I set out to launch Sacred Touch. I feel a pull towards releasing fascial restrictions and getting to the source of pain patterns for my clients. I intend to study myofascial techniques in depth and to incorporate them on an individual basis with the Ashiatsu blend I typically deliver. 

Looking ahead, I feel a call to create group coaching programs online, with the goal of holding transformational retreats. The future feels both exciting and daunting at times, but I know that if something is meant to be, it will happen.

Reconnect with your best self